SMART Track 1.1 R&D Module
The implementation of R&D work is a fundamental component of the FENG (European Funds for a Modern Economy) program. Both small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as large enterprises are eligible to apply for grants in order to undertake their R&D projects.
The objective of the project is to create a novel product, service, or process that demonstrates innovation, at least on a national level. The desired outcome is to develop results that are significantly innovative within the country.
A diverse range of projects from various industries that align with the National Intelligent Specializations have the opportunity to be awarded a grant.
Upon completion of the R&D work, it is crucial to bring the results to the market. In order to achieve this, the companies have the option to utilize the FENG Innovation Implementation Module within a single funding project.
Application deadlines
- GENERAL COMPETITION 27.06.2024 - 24.10.2024
Program dedicated for general projects in line with KIS (Krajowe Inteligentne Specjalizacje)
Recruitment dedicated to projects aimed at improving accessibility
- OPEN COMPETITION FOR CONSORTIA 27.06.2024 - 24.10.2024
Program dedicated for consortia for general projects in line with KIS
Requirements for the applicants
- Applicants must be classified as either Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) or large entrepreneurs.
- Consortia can be formed exclusively by enterprises or by a combination of enterprises, research organizations, or non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
- Applicants must demonstrate the innovative nature of the R&D work’s outcomes on a national scale, along with a commitment to bringing the product or a solution to the market.
- A minimum of 20% of the overall expenditures in the entire FENG module project must be allocated to the R&D Work Module.
- Applicants are required to provide the necessary resources to carry out the R&D work, including R&D personnel, management, and research equipment. Personnel skills can be enhanced through the FENG Competencies Module, while research equipment can be acquired through the FENG R&D Infrastructure Module. Both can be incorporated into a single project.
Categories of expenses that can be included when preparing a project plan are as follows:
Group 1 - R&D Contractors
- Salaries of research staff
- Subcontracting (subcontracting costs can be up to 70% of the module value)
Group 2 - Technical Resources
- Construction of buildings and land purchase
- Laboratory space rental
- Depreciation
- Rental or leasing of research equipment
- Demonstrator of the technology under development
- Tangible assets (software licenses, patent, know-how)
Group 3 - Implementation of the Research Agenda
- Materials and raw materials for the R&D work
- Parts and components of laboratory models and prototypes
- Maintenance of experimental lines and installations
- Small laboratory equipment
Project financing
Industrial research
- 80%
micro/small enterprises
- 75%
medium enterprises
- 65%
large enterprises
Development work
- 60%
micro/small enterprises
- 50%
medium enterprises
- 40%
large enterprises
- The grant support level is determined based on the enterprise’s status. The value of the grant is not influenced by the geographical location of the enterprise’s headquarters or the specific place where the project will be implemented.
- The R&D module should constitute at least 20% of the overall FENG project.
- For large enterprises, the minimum value of a project is PLN 1 million.
Frontline Biosciences expert commentary and recommendations