SMART Track 1.1 R&D Infrastructure Program

A module that allows to subsidize the construction or expansion of an R&D facilities (e.g., department building or laboratory). The applicant suggests a project topic and outlines a research agenda spanning three years for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of five years for large companies. The research agenda can be funded by a separate FENG module specifically dedicated to the implementation of the R&D programs. The research agenda aims to generate innovations on a national scale at the very least. In exchange for committing to the research agenda, the company is granted funds to carry out renovation and construction work, as well as to purchase all the necessary laboratory equipment. It is important to note that the proposed R&D work must have a high potential for successful commercialization. 


Expert commentary and recommendations from Frontline Bioscience

  • The R&D infrastructure module is exclusively available in combination with the R&D work module and serves as an excellent complement to it. In this arrangement, the companies procure research equipment and utilize it for conducting R&D work within a single project.
  • The second option, available only to SMEs, is to combine the R&D infrastructure module with the FENG innovation implementation module. In this case, each module can address a completely different solution.
  • This means that within a single project, the company can acquire both the production infrastructure required to implement a newly developed product and the R&D infrastructure necessary for developing another innovative solution.
  • Projects that prioritize market success over solely focusing on research are given preference in obtaining support. The market potential of the proposed innovation is evaluated.
  • In many cases, it can be challenging to distinguish between research infrastructure and production infrastructure. The applicant’s intended utilization of the infrastructure becomes the determining criterion.
  • It is important to highlight that throughout the project’s duration, the acquired infrastructure should be utilized specifically for research and development (R&D) purposes, rather than for production activities. This aspect undergoes thorough evaluation, and prospective applicants should be mindful of this requirement when considering participation in the grant competition.

Application deadlines

  • GENERAL COMPETITION 27.06.2024 - 24.10.2024

    The recruitment is open to universal projects that align with KIS (Krajowe Inteligentne Specializacje – National Smart Specializations.


    Program dedicated for projects aimed at improving accessibility (provision of products, services, environments, or information that can be used by individuals with disabilities or impairments).


    Program dedicated for consortia for general projects in line with KIS (Krajowe Inteligentne Specjalizacje)

Requirements for the applicants

  • Participation of consortia composed exclusively of enterprises, as well as consortia comprising enterprises, research organizations, or NGOs, is permitted.
  • The R&D infrastructure module can be implemented in conjunction with either the R&D works module (available to all applicants) or the innovation implementation module (available exclusively to SMEs) as part of a single project.
  • Ability to provide own funds as a guaranteed contribution to the costs of the module.
  • The objective is to identify areas for R&D efforts focused on developing innovations at a minimum national level.

Categories of expenses to consider when composing a project

  • Group I
    • Renovation and construction work associated with the establishment of dedicated areas/space for R&D activities.
  • Group II
    • Expenditures pertaining to the acquisition of equipment and supplies for the research and development center.
    • Intangible assets (software, licenses)

Project financing

Maximum funding level

  • 70%

    micro/small enterprises

  • 60%

    medium enterprises

  • 50%

    large enterprises

The level of funding for a project depends on:

  • The size of the enterprise applying for grant funding support,
  • The location of the project (location of the production facility).

Funding provided in the form of a conditional grant: partly non-refundable – partly repayable. The amount of reimbursement is determined four years after the completion of the project under thus module and depends on the amount of revenue generated from the implementation of the innovation on the market.

The level of funding support is determined according to the Regional Aid Map, which serves as a reference. Additionally, the Innovation Implementation Module permits the utilization of de minimis aid.

Each case should be assessed individually since a change in location, such as relocating between two neighboring counties within the same region, can lead to varying levels of funding support for the project.

To determine the level of support available, we recommend reaching out to one of our Subject Matter Experts at Frontline Biosciences SA at: +48 731-995-440 or +48 695-668-436.